
围绝经期女性锻炼行为现状区域调查分析 被引量:2

A survey on perimenopausal women’s exercise behavior
摘要 目的:围绝经期女性锻炼行为现状调查分析。方法:以便利抽样法选取我院下属两个社区卫生站所辖围绝经期女性1413人,采用统一编制的社区体育锻炼情况调查表,由经专业培训调查人员,对既定人群行问卷调查。结果:围绝经期女性能进行规律锻炼的人数仅占总人数的33.3%,每周锻炼少于3次的占总人数的53.5%,13.2%围绝经期女性从不参与锻炼运动。56~60岁年龄段锻炼行为较其他年龄段增高显著。受教育程度较高的女性更愿意参与运动锻炼。结论:医护人员需要帮助指导女性根据自身的能力尽早选择制定合理、安全、有效的锻炼方式,帮助围绝经期女性真正提高生活质量。 Objectives: To investigate and analyze the exercise behaviors of perlmenopausal women. Methods: By conven- ience sampling method, we selected 1413 perimenopausal women from two community health stations under the jurisdiction of our hospital. The unified questionnaire about physical exercise in the community was conducted by the professional investigators on theses perimenopausal women. Results: Only 33.3% of the perimenopausal women did exercise regularly. 53.5% of them exer- cised less than three times a week, and 13.2% of them never had exercise. The age bracket of 56 to 60 had more exercise than women in the other age brackets. Higher educated women were more willing to participate in exercise. Conclusions: Health care workers are needed to help to guide women to draw up a suitable exercise planning according to their conditions, so as to improve the quality of their life.
出处 《中国性科学》 2013年第4期31-33,共3页 Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality
关键词 围绝经期 锻炼 经常参与率 Menopause Exercise Participation rate
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