

Simulation for the Aid of Short-Term Scheduling of Crude Oil Operations
摘要 石化炼油企业原油处理过程的短期生产计划是一个挑战性的问题,至今为止没有可应用于实际的方法和工具。因此,开发一种仿真方法消除计划人员的复杂计算以便致力于决策过程非常必要。本文在分析问题的动态特性的基础上,建立了原油处理过程的混合Petri网模型。基于模型所给出的运行逻辑,提出了一个有效的仿真模型。应用该模型进行仿真可以验证计划的可行性,也可估计计划的性能,这使得计划人员的工作大大简化。 Short-term scheduling problem for crude oil operations in refinery process is a challenging prob- lem and there is no efficient method and software tool for practical applications. Thus, it is useful to devel- op a simulation model for this problem so that the planner does not need to get involved in complicated computation and can dedicate to decision making in the scheduling process. After analyzing the dynamic behavior of the problem, a hybrid Petri net model is developed to describe the process of crude oil opera- tions. With the operational logic provided by the model, an efficient simulation model is presented. Based on it, simulation can be done such that the schedule feasibility can be checked and performance can be e- valuated as well. Hence, the short-term scheduling problem is made much easier to the planner.
出处 《工业工程》 北大核心 2013年第2期11-18,共8页 Industrial Engineering Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61273036)
关键词 生产计划 流程工业 仿真 PETRI网 production scheduling process industry simulation Petri net
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