
企业间领导力理论和实践溯源与层次结构探讨 被引量:12

Research on Theoretical and Practical Origins and Hierarchical Structure of Inter-firm Leadership
摘要 企业间非对称关系的发展和核心企业角色的转变,使得有关企业间领导力的研究已成为当务之急。本文首先对企业间领导力的理论渊源进行了追溯,从资源依赖、网络位置、意义建构等基础理论入手,分析了企业间领导力建构的理论合法性;然后探讨了企业间网络实践的重大变化,以揭示企业间领导力建构的实践合法性;接着探讨了企业间领导力的层次结构问题,并且提出了技术、平台和制度三个核心层次的企业间领导力;最后在总结本研究的基础上对后续企业间领导力研究进行了展望,以期为更加深入、系统的企业间领导力理论建构抛砖引玉。 The development of inter-firm asymmetric relationship and the transformation of the role of focal firms make the study of inter-firm leadership dealt with first. Firstly, this paper traces back to the theoretical origins of inter-firm leadership and analyzes the theoretical legitimacy of the construction of inter-firm leadership based on theories including resource dependence, network posi- tion,and sense-making. Secondly, it investigates the significant changes in the practice of inter-firm networks to reveal the practical legitimacy of the construction of inter-firm leadership. Thirdly, it demonstrates the hierarchical structure of inter-firm leadership, and identifies technology, platform, and institution as three main dimensions of inter-firm leadership. Finally, it makes future prospects of inter-firm leadership by the summary of the findings in order to provide the guidance for more deep and systematic theoretical construction of inter-firm leadership.
出处 《外国经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期50-59,共10页 Foreign Economics & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目<模块化网络企业间领导力形成机制:基于中国情境的研究>(批准号:71102067) 教育部人文社科研究计划项目<模块化对企业技术创新的作用机理--基于吸收能力视角的实证研究>(批准号:10YJC630069) 安徽省自然科学基金项目<信息技术能力形成机制与绩效影响研究>(批准号:1208085QG128) 中央高校基本科研业务费科研专项基金项目<网络结构的企业间领导力影响机制:基于能力与认知视角的研究>(批准号:WN12220009)
关键词 企业间领导力 核心企业 联盟网络 技术领导力 平台领导力 制度领导力 inter-firm leadership leading firm alliance network technological leadership plat-form leadership institutional leadership.
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