对TSG T7005-2012中难于理解及在检验中不易于把握的条款进行了全面细致的分析与探讨,提出了相应的检验方法和判断依据,并给出了检验时应当注意的事项,为从事扶梯与人行道的检验检测人员和维修保养人员等提供了参考与借鉴。最后对TSG T7005-2012提出了一些新的建议。
The clauses of TSG T7005-2012 are analyzed and discussed in detail, which are difficult to be comprehended and grasped. Corresponding testing method and judgment are presented, and matters needing attention for testing are showed in this paper, those provide assistance and reference for peoples who engage in escalators and moving walks test and maintenance. Some new advices about TSG 37005-2012 are come up with at last.
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Technology