
中小企业绿色生产创新路径探讨——基于供应链视角 被引量:4

Explore the Path of Green Production Innovation in SMEs from the Angle of Supply Chain
摘要 经济与社会的可持续发展是大势所趋,企业,不分行业、规模和地点,都要不断提高自身的生产效率和环保绩效,都有责任为良好的生产和生活环境作出努力。绿色生产创新需要企业采取切实行动,通过提高资源使用效率,淘汰有毒物质,提高再生能源使用比例,改善职业健康与安全,承担更多的生产者责任,来降低产业给环境、气候和人类带来的风险。产品环境绩效对中小企业而言,是一项复杂的管理工作。一方面,它需要中小企业从更新的视角审查产品生命周期,涵盖整个原材料获取、制造、配送、使用以及回收处理/再利用的全过程;另一方面,它需要企业承担起各利益相关者所预期的向环境友好方向进行的变革。因此,社会关注和法律法规是中小企业在整个供应链上开展环境计划至关重要的因素。企业供应链上的每个环节都可以成为企业进行绿色创新的切入点。 The sustainable economic and social development is and irresistible trend. The enterprises, no matter what industries they are in, which scales they are and where they are located in, should continuously improve their efficiency of production and performance of environmental protection; they all should shoulder the responsibilities of sound productive and living environment. The enterprises should take feasible actions for green production innovation, improve professional health and safety, shoulder more responsibilities, and reduce risk to environment, climate and human beings by improving resources efficiency, eliminating toxic substance and increasing the proportion of renewable energy. For SMEs, product environmental performance is the complex job. On one hand, the SMEs should review product life cycle from the brand new view, which should cover the whole process of acquisition of raw material, manufacturing, distribution, usage and recovery processing and reuse; on the other hand, the SMEs should carry out environment-friendly reform, which is expected by all the stakeholders. So, social attention and law and regulations are the key factors for the SMEs to implement the environment-oriented plan in the whole supply chain. Every links in the supply chain can be the point of penetration for the enterprises to make green innovation.
作者 文华 马胜
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期75-80,共6页 China Business and Market
基金 四川省教育厅人文社会科学重点研究基地"四川循环经济研究中心"(项目编号:XHJJ-1027)资助
关键词 绿色生产创新 供应链 中小型企业 创新 green production innovation supply chain SMEs innovation
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