
中国银行业国际化提速的宏观动因 被引量:2

The Macro Driving Forces of Acceleration in the“Internationalization” of China’s Banking Industry
摘要 我国银行业国际化,将对宏观经济产生诸多正面效应。首先,有利于优化贸易结构和企业在海外直接投资,提升银行业的国际竞争力。其次,对海外银行的股权并购及设立分支机构,可以改变当前我国对外投资严重依赖债券、效率低下的困境,实现巨大外汇存量的保值升值。再次,金融机构走出去,将使我国持有的外国资产向私人部门和商业机构转移,对于大规模资本流动冲击和国际突发金融动荡形成屏障。同时,随着人民币国际化的推进,将在资产业务、负债业务、中间业务层面为银行海外经营提供巨大的可开发市场。 The "internationalization" of the banking industry will have more positive effects on China's macro economy. First, the "internationalization" of the banking industry will be beneficial to the optimization of trade structure and enterprises' FDI, and the improvement of bank's international competitiveness. Second, equity merger and the establishment of branches will change China's current difficult situation of heavy dependence on bond and the low efficiency in FDI, and realize the value maintenance and appreciation of the huge reserves of foreign exchange. Third, the "go global" of financial institutions witl transfer the foreign assets China held to private sector and business institutions; and it will become the protective screen against impact of large scale capital flow and international financial turbulence. At the same time, the development of RMB internationalization will provide the banking industry with huge market in terms of asset business, liability business and intermediate business.
作者 康子冉
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期124-128,共5页 China Business and Market
关键词 金融服务贸易 走出去战略 对外直接投资 trade in financial service "go global" strategy FDI
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