
面向教学的数学知识:缘起、结构特征、检测及其教育意蕴 被引量:14

Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching:Origins,Structural Characteristics,Discovery and Educational Implication
摘要 面向教学的数学知识(MKT)缘起于关注课堂教学实践中需要的数学知识。MKT模型分为学科知识和学科教学知识。学科知识本身也有教学法维度。主要采取数学任务测量法、课堂观察法、大样本问卷调查法检测MKT。MKT为数学教育的其他研究主题提供理论框架,对数学教师教育课程的设置和职前教师培养模式的确立有借鉴意义。 Mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) originated in concern about mathematical knowledge required in classroom teaching practice. The MKT model is divided into subject knowledge and pedagogical knowledge. Subject knowledge itself also has a pedagogical dimension. It mainly adopts the measurement of mathematical tasks, classroom observation, large sample survey method to discover MKT. MKT provides a theoretical framework for other research topics on mathematics education, and serves as a good example for setting curriculum by mathematics teachers and the establishment of pre-service teacher training model.
作者 徐章韬
出处 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期116-120,共5页 Curriculum,Teaching Material and Method
基金 华东师范大学优秀博士培养基金"师范生面向教学的数学知识之研究"(编号:200800308) 中国博士后科学基金特别资助"信息技术推动数学历史文化走进数学课堂之研究"(编号:2012T50656)的阶段性成果
关键词 面向教学的数学知识 学科知识 学科教学知识 mathematical knowledge for teaching subject knowledge pedagogical knowledge
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