针对无线传感器网络节点的供电问题,应用升压型DC/DC MAX756设计了具有输出电压选择与电池监视功能的无线传感网络节点供电单元。给出了供电单元的原理图设计与印制电路板的设计要点;得到了供电单元的转换效率与输入电压的关系,转换效率随输入电压升高而升高,随输出电流的增大而增大;测试了供电单元的负载瞬态响应能力。结果显示,负载发生突变时输出电压有较大噪声,说明电源的滤波设计需要改进。
Power supply unit with adjustable-output voltage and battery-aware function was designed by Boost DC/DC con- veners MAX756 in order to power wireless sensor node. Key design principle of printed circuit board and schematic concerning MAX756 was presented. Relationship between input voltage and conversion efficiency of power supply unit was measured. According to the measurement, the conversion efficiency of power supply unit increased as input voltage and output current increased. Load transient response test shows that output voltage had greater noise when load current changed transiently, so filter of the power sup-ply unit need to be improved.
Application of Electronic Technique