对于Ad Hoc网络中多约束QoS求解问题,启发式算法的局限性在于寻路时间长。为此提出一种基于动态规划的多约束QoS路由协议,利用动态规划算法解决判据的最优化问题。在路由请求阶段寻求满足数据带宽需求的多条路由,目的节点应用动态规划算法寻求时延最优的路由。从相关的分组结构和路由流程两个方面对其进行了描述。最后通过仿真从平均端到端时延、分组投递率以及路由开销三个方面与传统的DSR路由进行对比,对于大规模Ad Hoc网络,能够明显提高网络的性能。
For the solving problem of multi-constraints QoS routing protocol, the limitation of heuristic algorithm consists in its long path finding time. To solve this problem, a multi-constraints QoS routing based on dynamic programming is put forward , which use dynamic programming to optimize the criterion. The protocol finds several routes which can satisfy the requirement of the data bandwidth, then the destination node search for the route which has the shortest delay by the dynamic programming. The de- scription of the routing protocol is divided into two aspects, the packet structure and the flow of route. At last, the passage com-pare the routing protocol with the traditional DSR routing in delay time, packet delivery fraction and routing overhead through the simulation , and draw a conclusion that the routing protocol can improve performance obviously for massive Ad Hoc network.
Application of Electronic Technique