
从教师“专业发展”到教师“专业学习” 被引量:153

From Teacher“Professional Development”to Teacher“Professional Learning”
摘要 教师"专业发展"和教师"专业学习"是教师教育界和研究界比较流行的两个概念,它们是在什么历史背景下出现的?发挥了什么现实功能?反映了对教学作为一门专业的什么理解?本文对这两个概念进行了分析,说明它们在知识观、对教师职业的理解、教师的培养方式以及教师质量评估标准等方面所存在的差异。教师"专业发展"的概念将教师作为有"缺陷"的人,按照事先制定的标准,通过集中培训的方式,将固定不变的知识传授给教师。而教师"专业学习"的概念更注重从教师真实的学习体验出发,理解教师针对自己工作中的具体问题、与教师同行和外来专家共同建构知识的过程。虽然它们的产生具有历史时间性,在空间上承担了不同的任务,但是如果我们对其异同不充分了解,有可能造成教师的真实学习体验与教育行政部门以及教师教育者和研究者的期待之间相互脱节。对这两个概念进行辨析,不仅有利于我们理解教师成长的实质,而且有助于我们理解话语对社会实践的建构作用。 Teacher "professional development" and teacher "professional learning" are two popular concepts in teacher education and teacher research. In what historical background did they arise, and what practical functions have they been playing? What kinds of understanding do they convey about teaching as a profession? This paper aims to reveal some major differences between these two concepts in terms of the theory of epistemology they involve, their understanding of teaching profession, ways of training teachers, and criteria for evaluation of teacher quality. The concept of teacher "professional development" tends to treat teachers as "deficit", and transmit intact knowledge to them according to prescribed standards and by way of intensive training. The concept of teacher " professional learning", however, starts from teacher's authentic learning experience, and tries to understand the process in which teachers construct knowledge with their peers and external experts while confronted with concrete problems. Although the two concepts came into being in different historical time, and undertake different tasks, if we do not acquire a thorough understanding of their similarities and differences, there would be a disjunction between teacher's authentic learning experience and the expectations of education authorities, teacher educators and researchers. Analysis of these two concepts can help us understand not only the nature of teacher growth but also the constructive function of discourse on social practice.
作者 陈向明
出处 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第8期1-7,共7页 Research in Educational Development
基金 作者负责的教育部人文社会科学研究规划课题"知识转换与身份获得--实习生与重要他人的互动模式研究"(10YJA880017)的阶段性成果
关键词 教师专业发展 教师专业学习 教师实践性知识 话语 teacher professional development, teacher professional learning, teacher's practical knowledge, discourse
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