调查了大兴安岭不同冻土带内沼泽、柳草、耕地、次生林生境中土壤动物的多样性,总共获得大型土壤动物6 430只,隶属于4门7纲17目。土壤动物多样性水平分布表明,同一冻土带内,DG指数均为次生林最大,耕地最小;不同冻土带之间多样性指数基本上由连续多年冻土带向岛状冻土带逐渐减小。土壤动物多样性季节变化表明,不同冻土带大型土壤动物多样性的季节变化趋势不一致;连续多年冻土带大型土壤动物多样性指数与整个冻土区的变化一致。群落相似性分析表明,同一冻土带沼泽和柳草之间中等相似;沼泽、柳草和次生林与耕地的的相似性是极不相似;不同冻土带不同群落之间极不相似,而不同冻土带同种群落中等相似。
A total of 6 430 individuals of soil macrofauna, belonging to 4 divisions, 7 classes and 17 orders, were conducted to investigate the diversity of soil fauna in swamps, willow-shrub meadows, cultivated lands and secondary forestlands in three different tundras in Daxing' an Mountain. The horizontal distribution of soil macrofauna diversity indicates that DG index is the largest in the secondary forests and the smallest in cultivated lands in the same tundra. The diversity indexes gradually decrease from the continuous tundra to island tundra in different tundras. The seasonal variation of soil macrofauna diversi- ty indicates the temporal dynamics of soil macrofauna in different tundras is inconsistent, but the soil macrofauna diversity index of the continuous tudra is consistent with the whole tundra. Community similarity analysis shows that the similarity between swamps and willow-shrub is moderately similar in the same tundra, but it is dissimilar among swamps, willow- shrub, secondary forest and cultivated lands. However, the similarity of the different communities in different tundra is very dissimilar, and it is moderately similar between the same communities in different tundras.
Journal of Northeast Forestry University