

“Heaven's Scheme”and Randomness from the Perspective of Comparative Literary Theories
摘要 我国古代文论中的"天机"来源于道家灵感观,重在自然存在的时机、机遇、变化中的条件,强调艺事以随机应变为要旨;西方数码艺术理论中的"随机性"来源于数学概率论,重在人工制造的或然性,被用作开拓思路的契机。它们都不属于纯粹偶然性范畴,而是体现了人们透过偶然把握必然的努力。 In classical Chinese literary theories, "Tianji" ( Heaven' s scheme ) as a categorical concept has its root in Taoist con-cept of inspiration, focusing on the conditions of timing, opportunities and changes in natural existence, and it emphasizes on the artists' reaction in response to the changing circumstances. The concept of "randomness" as applied in the Western theories of digital art, comes from the mathematical theory on probability, which focuses on the contingency of artifact and takes it as the very opportunity of exploring ideas. Neither the heaven' s scheme nor randomness falls within the conceptual category of pure probability, but they reflect the human efforts to grasp the inevitable through the accidental.
作者 黄鸣奋
机构地区 厦门大学中文系
出处 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期165-172,共8页 Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art
关键词 天机 随机性 古典文论 数码艺术 "Tianji"( Heaven's scheme) randomness classical literary theories digital art
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