
推进西部特色优势产业升级法律保障软环境建设——基于宁夏枸杞产业发展的调查与思考 被引量:3

Promote the Legislation Guarantee Soft Environment Construction for the Upgrading of Western Industries with Local Advantages——Based on Investigation and Consideration of Wolfberry Industry in Ningxia
摘要 发展特色优势产业是西部产业结构调整、发展方式转变、农产品市场竞争力提高、全面提升现代农业发展水平的总方向。近年来,西部各省特色优势产业发展势头迅猛,成效显著。宁夏枸杞产业作为宁夏特色优势产业中的重要支柱产业,当前发展中出现的农产品质量安全、品牌培育与保护、执法监管不力等瓶颈问题严重制约产业发展,进而影响未来的产业升级和经济增长方式的转变。因此,加强法律保障软环境建设是推进西部特色优势产业升级的必由之路。 It has become a leading trend to develop the industries with local advantages in the process of adjusting the agricultural structure in western areas, transforming the development mode, improving the market competitive ness of agricultural products, and comprehensively enhancing the level of modem agriculture. In recent years, the agricultural industries with local advantages have developed rapidly and gained great achievement. Ningxia wolfber ry industry is an important pillar industry with Ningxia local characteristics. But some bottleneck problems, such as the quality safety of agricultural products, the cultivation and protection for the brands, the ineffective supervision on the law enforcement, and so on, constraint the development ofNingxia wolfberry industry, thus affecting its up grading and transforming of the economic growth pattern in the future. Therefore, strengthening the soft environ ment construction of legal protection is the way to promote the upgrading of industries with local advantages in westelTl areas.
作者 唐芳
出处 《林业经济》 北大核心 2013年第4期65-69,共5页 Forestry Economics
基金 2011宁夏回族自治区科技公关计划项目软科学专项“宁夏枸杞产业发展法律保障研究” 2011年度宁夏高校科学研究项目“宁夏特色农业产业升级法律保障研究”
关键词 特色优势 枸杞产业 立法 执法 industry with local advantages wolfberry industry legislation law enforcement
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