主要目的是分析linux内核自带的开源无线组件mac802.11协议的实现与无线网卡驱动实现,通过对Linux 802.11协议的分析,加强对当前无线局域网最新协议的理解和消化。并且基于此协议探讨了无线网卡驱动的实现。首先,列出了linux内核中802.11协议的架构,然后,分析了各个模块的主要数据结构以及函数接口、MAC协议配置与管理、发送数据与接收数据数据流程,以及MLME实体的状态机实现,最后,介绍了一种Linux无线网卡驱动的设计和移植过程。
The main purpose of this article is to analyse the opening wireless component mac802.11 which belongs to linux core, throughing analysing the opening-protocal to strengthen the comprehension about wireless local area network today. This article presents the framework of mac802.11-protocal and the function of main component at first,then presents main data-structure of every component and interface, protocal configure and managing,sending and receiving data,at last presenting the MLME.
Microcomputer Applications