
基于LANDMARC定位算法复杂度的分区算法改进 被引量:4

Improvement of Partition Algorithm Based on Complexity of LANDMARC Location Algorithm
摘要 本文重点讨论研究了基于RFID的LANDMARC室内定位系统,然后在此基础上总结了原LANDMARC系统的不足,并针对LANDMARC系统中的算法复杂度进行分析,提出了一种分区算法来减小系统算法的复杂度.实验结果表明,相比原系统算法,改进后的算法在提高系统定位精度和定位性能的前提下,减小了算法总体的复杂度. Based on the analysis of the basic principle and characteristics of RFID, the existing RFID indoor location system LANDMARC was discussed in detail. Then, the inadequate of LANDMARC system was proposed and summarized. In order to reduce the complexity of the algorithm, the partition algorithm was proposed. Simulation results show that the enhanced partition algorithm can achieve better location accuracy and higher location performance than the original LANDMARC algorithm. At the same time, the partition algorithm reduced the complexity of algorithm markedly.
出处 《计算机系统应用》 2013年第5期103-106,121,共5页 Computer Systems & Applications
关键词 室内定位 射频识别 LANDMARC系统 分区算法 算法复杂度 indoor location RFID LANDMARC system partition algorithm complexity of algorithm
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