介绍一种在VC、Delphi等多种应用程序开发环境中通用的网络通信动态链接库(DLL)模块的设计实现.在visual studio 2010开发环境下,采用c++MFC类库的CSocket类设计支持TCP协议和UDP协议的DLL.该DLL可被多种开发语言平台调用,能以客户/服务端(C/S)、点对点、广播等多种模式建立局域网内通信机制,为不同开发环境下设计模块化数据通信应用提供了便捷途径,可大大提高跨平台网络通信应用程序开发的效率.
This paper develops a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) module that could be generally utilized by multiple programming environments for the construction of network communication. CSocket class, which is included in Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), was adopted to develop the DLL that supports TCP and UDP protocol in visual studio 2010. The DLL was developed to construct network communication mechanism in the client/server, peer-to-peer and broadcast modes in a LAN. The realization of universal network communication DLL provides a good way to design the modularized data transfer applications in different programming environments. It can greatly raise the developing efficiency of such application projects.
Computer Systems & Applications