

Analysis of Relationship between the Rehabilitation Service for the Disabled and Urban and Rural Residents' Income Growth in China
摘要 本文利用灰色综合关联度对我国残疾人康复服务与城乡居民收入增长之间的关系进行相关性分析,得出我国残疾人康复服务与城乡居民收入增长存在着高度相关性;通过灰色动态协调模型分析了我国残疾人康复服务与城乡居民收入增长的适应程度,结果表明我国残疾人康复服务在总体上与城乡居民收入增长并不完全适应,尤其是还存在着残疾人辅助器具供应服务和精神病康复服务与城乡居民收入增长不够协调等问题,根据以上分析的结果提出了一系列建议。 This paper analyses correlation between the rehabilitation service for the disabled and urban and rural residents income growth by means of grey relation. The result shows that there is a high positive correlation between the rehabilitation service for the disabled and urban and rural residents income growth in China. By using the gray dynamic coordinate model this paper also analyses the adaptability of the rehabilitation service for the disabled to urban and rural residents income growth in China. In general, the rehabilitation service for the disabled isn't completely adapt to urban and rural residents income growth; especially it's also existence some questions, such as the supply service of assistive devices for persons with disability and rehabilhation service for mental patients are not enough coordinate with urban and rural residents income growth. At last, this paper analyses the cause and puts forward a series ofcountermeasures.
出处 《价值工程》 2013年第13期298-300,共3页 Value Engineering
关键词 残疾人 康复服务 收入增长 the disabled rehabilitation service income growth
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