没有人能想到在互联网上会有这样的宣传语:亲,这就是你的BOSS!亲,这就是你的机遇!亲,这就加入我们吧!这就是凯业必达(Career Builder),全球最大的互联网招聘公司。在互联网与人们生活不可分割的今天,凯业必达为全球所有寻找人才的企业,以及所有寻找职位的人服务。
Nick Cucinella is the CEO of Career Builder, China. In 2009, Career Builder, the largest online employment company in the world, was launched in China. During the launching process, Nick played an important role. He said to be successful in China, Career Builder needs to learn and understand Chinese entrepreneurial culture. 'Regarding our resume data base, quantity and scale are not the key factors, quality and the number of active job seekers are more critical. '
International Talent