
2012年菲律宾政治、经济与外交形势回顾 被引量:1

A Review on the Political,Economic and Diplomatic Situation of the Philippines in 2012
摘要 2012年的菲律宾,国内政局总体而言比2011年平顺很多,尤其是菲政府与国内分裂势力之一的"摩伊解"的谈判取得了重大进展,双方就在南部建立"邦萨摩洛"达成框架协定,以取代现有的棉兰老岛穆斯林自治区,但政局动荡,稳定之路依然任重道远;经济比较繁荣,GDP年增长率达到6.6%,遥遥领先于东南亚其他国家;外交方面,菲律宾延续了过去联美、联日来抗中的路线。 Generally speaking, the political situation of the Philippines in 2012 is much better than that in 2011, and one of the outstanding achievements is that the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front signed the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro, which would pave the way for the abolition of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) and put in place the Bangsamoro authority. However, the political situation in the Philippines remains uneasy, and there is a long way to go for the stability. The country's economic landscape ap- peared rosy in 2012, with an annual GDP growth of 6. 6%, 2012, the Philippines deepened its alliance with both Japan outpacing the rest of the Southeast Asian region. In and the U. S. against China
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期23-28,共6页 Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 2012年 菲律宾 政治 经济与外交 菲中 菲美 菲日关系 in 2012 the Philippines Politics, Economy and Diplomacy Philippines-China Relationship, Philip-pines-U. S. Relationship, Philippines-Japan Relationship
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