
冷战与发展的矛盾——20世纪50年代美国对东南亚条约组织的经济政策 被引量:1

Dilemma between the Cold War and Development: America's Economic Policies towards the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization in 1950s
摘要 自二战以来,为了实现自己在东南亚地区的外交、安全与经济等多重目标,美国政府将推动这一区域的经济一体化作为一个重要的手段。美国政府在这方面最早的实践之一就是在1954年成立的、以遏制共产主义为目标的集体安全组织东南亚条约组织中所进行的相关经济活动。由于主要服从美国自身在这一区域的外交和安全目的,美国的相关政策招致相关盟国的批评。不过,20世纪50年代美国政府对东南亚条约组织的经济政策的诸多特点一直延续了下来,甚至在今天也仍可见其影响。 In order to achieve its multiple goals in diplomatic, secure and economic fields in Southeast Asia, the United States always made all its efforts to push forwards the development of economic integration of this region since the WII. One of its early practices is its economic engagement in the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, which was established in 1954 under the initiative of United State to contain the development of communism. Being subjected to America's own security and diplomatic purposes, however, the economic policies that America em- ployed to this regional organization were always under attack policies were very typical and many characters of them lasted by other allies. On the other hand, these economic till today.
作者 郭又新 姚昱
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期62-67,共6页 Southeast Asian Studies
基金 2008年度国家社会科学基金青年项目"冷战期间美国对中国与不发达国家经济联系的认识与对策"(08CSS007) 暨南大学科研与培育创新基金项目"二战后美国对东南亚的经济援助政策研究"(11JYB2038)
关键词 美国 东南亚条约组织 经济政策 United States Southeast Asia Treaty Organization Economic Policy
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