
中老缅泰湄公河流域联合执法的法律基础与制度建构 被引量:18

Joint Law Enforcement in the Mekong River Basin between China, Laos,Myanmar and Thailand: Legal Foundation and Mechanism Consolidation
摘要 澜沧江—湄公河是联通中国与下游五国的黄金水道,在区域合作中发挥着不可替代的作用。湄公河流域频发的犯罪活动,尤其是2011年10月发生在金三角水域的惨案,将联合执法提上了区域安全合作的议事日程。事件发生后,中老缅泰四国通过开展联合巡逻执法恢复了湄公河的国际航运,但相关制度的构建仍在探索之中。四国应依据相关国际法原则,结合该流域的现实情况,参照其他流域和国家的实践,尽快签署联合执法合作协定。 As a golden waterway linking China and five downstream riparian states, the Lancang-Mekong River plays a significant role in regional cooperation. The unchecked criminal activities in the Mekong River basin, espe- cially the tragedy occurred in Golden Triangle waters in October 2011, put the joint law enforcement onto the agen- da of regional security cooperation. Thanks to the joint surveillance and law enforcement activities launched by Chi- na, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand in a quick response to the tragedy, international navigation along the river was gradually restored. In the near future, the four states shall consult and conclude a framework agreement on joint law enforcement, in light of relevant principles of international law, in consideration of circumstances of the region, and by reference to the practices of other river basins and concerned states.
作者 孔令杰
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期68-73,共6页 Southeast Asian Studies
基金 武汉大学“中国边界与海洋研究70后学者学术团队”项目
关键词 湄公河 航行安全 联合执法 合作协定 Mekong River Navigation Security Joint Law Enforcement Cooperation Agreement
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