目的探讨青春发育阶段和青春发动时相对青少年女性接触媒体传达的性知识与性态度的影响,为开展有针对性的性健康教育提供理论依据。方法在上海市分层整群抽取6所学校的初、高中学生共1 390名,进行匿名电子问卷形式的"上海市中学生青春期健康及接触媒体状况的抽样调查",选择其中496名处于不同青春发育阶段的青少年女性,分析年龄、青春发动时相与对媒体性内容的感兴趣程度、性信息的接触情况及感知媒体对性行为容忍度的关联。结果青春发育阶段较高的女生对媒体中的性相关信息更感兴趣(P<0.01);更多暴露于除性病/艾滋病以外的性相关信息以及黄色录像/电影/刊物,更容易将媒体传达的信息解释为对青少年发生性行为的认可(P=0.006)。控制年龄的影响后,青春发动时相提前的女学生对媒体中的性相关信息更感兴趣(P=0.023),并有将媒体传达的信息理解为对青少年发生性行为的认可的倾向(P=0.051)。结论青春发动时相提前的女生更容易被媒体传达的性内容吸引,并认为媒体对青少年发生性行为的认同度较高。应关注女生接触媒体性信息的情况,防止性相关危险行为的发生。
Objective To examine the influence of the status and timing of pubertal development on the perceptions of sex media messages among adolescent girls, and to provide fundamental basis for targeted sexual health education. Methods An anon- ymous computer-assisted self interview survey on Pubertal Development and Exposure to Sex Media Messages in Junior School Students in Shanghai was conducted among 1 390 senior and junior high school students by using stratified cluster sampling. Data of 496 girls were included in the final analysis to examine correlations among age, pubertal timing and interests, contents as well as perceptions of sex media messages. Results The more maturing the female students were, the more interested they were in sex media messages( P〈O. O1 ) , the more likely they were exposed With sex messages except for HIV/STD, and more likely to interpret the messages as approval of adolescent sexual behaviors ( P = 0. 006 }. After control of age, girls with earlier pubertal timing were more interested in sex media messages ( P= 0.023 ) and more likely to interpret the messages as approval of adolescent sexual be- haviors (P= 0.051 }. Conclusion Girls with earlier pubertal timing are more likely to be attracted by sex media messages and deem media with high approval on adolescent sexual behaviors. More attention should be paid to those girls about their exposure to sex media messages. Positive sexual attitudes and values should be built up to prevent against engaging in early sexual behaviors.
Chinese Journal of School Health