
从dLearning到mLearning的国内研究嬗变分析 被引量:1

From dLearning to mLearning: Changes in the Research Scenario in China
摘要 本研究采用科学知识图谱可视化分析技术,以CNKI-CAJD数据库核心期刊为文献源,对我国从dLearning到mLearning的研究进展进行总结和概括。由研究可知,dLearning、eLearning和mLearning三者的发展模式相似,研究在深度和延续性方面提升的空间仍然较大,偏向实践应用性的技术类系统开发和平台建设深层研究,还有待进一步提高;《中国远程教育》、《中国电化教育》、《电化教育研究》是相关研究领域的三个主力期刊;三领域都未形成独立的核心作者群,eLearning和mLearning领域以低产作者为主,研究上的热点跟风现象比较严重。 Reviewing publications from core journals in the CNKI-CAJD database, this study analyzes research trends and patterns in the fields of dLearning, eLearning, and mLearning in China with mapping techniques for progressive knowledge domain visualization. Conclusions are made, based on review results. First, the three fields have similar development models and need much improvement in terms of depth and continuity. Second, research in these fields favors technological application and platform development. Third, the majority of research reports are published in Distance Education in China, China Educational Technology, and E-Education Research. Fourth, no groups of core authors are formed. Last, in the fields of eLearning and mLearning, low-yielding authors are in the majority, and many studies simply follow suit without their own distinctive research foci.
出处 《中国远程教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期29-37,68,共10页 Chinese Journal of Distance Education
关键词 dLearning ELEARNING mLearning 研究进展 科学知识图谱可视化 dLearning eLearning mLearning research trend mapping techniques
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