
风雨同舟20载 中国船东协会为建设海运强国铸华章

The 20th anniversary of China Shipowners' Association
摘要 2013年4月18日,中国船东协议迎来了20年华诞,为进一步扩大和加强行业内的交流与合作、促进海运事业的发展,共同实现中国海运强国之梦,中国船东协会举行了成立20周年回顾活动。中国船东协会常务副会长兼秘书长张守国主持了纪念活动,出席活动的业界领导和嘉宾共聚一堂, China Shipowners’ Association (CSA) is a voluntary trade organization composed of owners, operators and managers of merchant ships engaged in waterway transportation and relevant shipping related entities, which are registered in the People’s Republic of China. Since its establishment in April 18, 1993, China Shipowners’ Association has been playing its roles in various aspects as follows:serve its members directly, reflect their opinions, safeguard their legitimate interests and rights, play the role of self-discipline of the industry, assist government agencies to regulate and maintain the market order of fair competition, pay due attention to the hot, difficult and focal issues, carry out investigations, raise suggestions and recommendations to the government in the policy making for the development of shipping industry, actively take part in activities of international exchange and cooperation, and articulate the voice of Chinese shipowners to the international shipping circle.The orientation of China Shipowners’ Association is being the prolocutor and helping hand for its members, regulator of self-discipline of the industry, assistant and consultant to the government. Its goal is to promote harmonious development of shipping industry and make the association a brand name of quality service. The focus is to build the ability in rendering quality services to its various members. Over the past 20 years, China Shipowners’ Association has become one of the backbone social organizations of shipping industry in China. The achievements belong to the past, and heavier responsibilities shall be shouldered in the future. China Shipowners’ Association will play an even more important role in shipping industry.
作者 沈燕云
出处 《中国远洋航务》 2013年第5期18-19,10,共2页 China Ocean Shipping Monthly








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