
欧盟再筑壁垒 航运业“伤不起”

The EU to put up barriers again and shipping industry can't afford it
摘要 “碳税”在无形中被欧盟涂染了贸易保护色彩,成为欧盟高筑贸易壁垒的手段。航空碳税被迫暂停,航海碳税又进入了紧张的筹划,打算今年以报告的形式对航海碳排放加以监控。欧盟此举意在高筑“航海碳壁垒”,其对中国的影响不得不引人深思。 The EU emissions trading system (EU ETS) is a cornerstone of the European Union's policy to combat climate change and its key tool for reducing industrial greenhouse gas emissions cost-effectively.For commercial airlines, the system covers CO2 emissions from flights within and between countries participating in the EUETS.International flights to and from non-ETS countries are also covered. What’s more, The European Commission proposed early 2013 legislation for monitoring, reporting and verification of CO2 emissions of maritime transport.Thismeasure aims at robust monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) which is essential preparation for a global measure. CO2 emissions of ships could be determined by calculation using the fuel consumption or by estimates using calculation models based on activity data. 'Carbon tax' is virtually dyed with the color of trade protection by the EU, becoming the EU's means of trade barriers. Aviation carbon tax was forced to suspend, but shipping carbon tax enters into the MRV,planning in the form of a report on shipping carbon emissions’ monitoring this year. The move aimed at building 'Marine carbon barriers' and its impact will be great on China's shipping. Many scholars said that 'shipping carbon tax' is likely to become the EU's new ways of direct economic benefit.
作者 汪涛
机构地区 上海海事大学
出处 《中国远洋航务》 2013年第5期30-31,10,共2页 China Ocean Shipping Monthly
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