The correlation between the activity and the structure of Sn-Mo mixed oxide catalysts calcined at different temperatures has been investigated by using ESR. The catalysts Sn0.975Mo0.025 calcined at different temperatures were also studied by ESR in order to obtain the information about the superhyperfine structure. The process of the Sn-Mo mixed oxide solid solution formation was observed. The results showed that molybdenum highly dispersed as micro-crystal of ammonium paramolybdate on the surface of stannic oxide at temperature from 100 to 300℃. Molybdenum diffused into the SnO2 bulk as the temperature increased gradually from 350 to 550℃. The interstitial solid solution of the best catalytic activity formed at 550℃, Mo5+ ions replaced some SiT ions in SnO2 crysial lattice,and the anisotropy g values were