
新兴市场国家金融风险传染性研究 被引量:21

Research on the Financial Contagion Risks in Emerging Markets and the Policy Implication of Macro-prudential Supervision
摘要 本文选取12个新兴市场国家1997年至2009年的月度数据,运用金融压力指数和面板VAR模型研究主要金融领域风险的传染性及其对宏观审慎监管的政策含义。主要结论是:新兴市场国家各金融市场间普遍存在金融压力的传染性;金融压力的传染性突出体现在危机阶段,稳定期则不显著;外汇市场压力的溢出效应最普遍,银行系统压力的溢出效应最弱。最后,本文就主要研究结论对宏观审慎监管的政策含义进行了阐释。 The contagious effects of financial risks among different financial areas, such as foreign exchange market, bank system, stock market and bond market, are analyzed based on the data of twelve Newly Emerging Markets during the period between 1997 and 2009 using the financial stress index and the .panel VAR. Some results are achieved as followed: the contagious effects exist universally among the financial areas in the Newly Emerging Countries; the contagious effects of financial stress are significant in the crisis period, but not significant in the stable period; the foreign exchange market pressure has comprehensive contagious effect on all the other financial areas; the bank system pressure has very limited contagious effect on other financial areas. In the end, the policy significance of the results for the macro-prudential supervision is interpreted.
作者 靳玉英 周兵
出处 《国际金融研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期49-62,共14页 Studies of International Finance
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"世界经济周期性波动及其对我国宏观审慎监管框架构建的政策含义研究"(12AZD051) 国家自然科学基金项目"零利率下限约束下货币政策和财政政策组合研究:理论 实践及中国的前瞻性政策含义"(71173142) 上海财经大学研究生创新基金资助项目"新兴市场国家外汇市场压力问题的研究"(XJJ-2011-322)
关键词 金融压力 风险传染 系统性金融风险 宏观审慎监管 Financial Stress Risk Contagion Systematic Financial Risk Macro Prudential Supervision
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