对欧洲标准化委员会制订的有关焊缝射线检测 ( RT)的方法和质量评定标准作一概略性评述。指出象质等级 ,胶片分类 ,黑度下限 ,缺陷测高定深、定位、定性、定形的综合考虑 ,以及UT与 RT要互补 ,角接焊缝缺陷评定的具体要求等是有别于美、日标准的最大独特点。对焊缝无损检测与国际接轨有借鉴。
The recent radiographic method and quality evaluation standards prepared by European Standardization Committee are reviewed. Their major characteristics different from American and Japanese standards are the unique requirement such as image quality class, film grade, minimum density, consideration on flaw height, location, identification and shaping for acceptance, complementation for RT and UT, criteria for flaws in fillet welds etc. It may be a reference for the NDT of welds.
Nondestructive Testing