Bulletin of Biology
1Driver R., Newt on, P., Osborne J.. Establishing the norms of scientific argumentation in classrooms.Science Education,2000, 84(3):287-312.
2Niaz M., Aguilera D., Maza A. eta/. Arguments, Contradicti- ons, Resistances, and Conceptual Change in Students& Unde- rstanding of Atomic Structure. Science Education, 2002,86(4): 505-525.
3National Research Council. National science education standa- rds. Washington: National Academy Press. 1996: 113.
5Simonneaux L.. Role-play or debate to promote students' ar- gumentation and justification on an issue in animal transgene- sis. International Journal of Science Education,2001, 23(9): 903-927.
6Bell P., Linn M. C.. Scientific arguments as learning artifa- cts: designing for learning from the web with KIE. Internatio- nal Journal of Science Education,2000, 22(8):797-817.
8蒋笃运,张富莉.人兽混合胚胎实验之伦理思考[J].郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2009,42(2):9-11. 被引量:2
9Sadler T.D., Zeidler D.L.. The morality of socio-scientific is- sues: Construral and resolution of genetic engineering dilemm- as. Science education, 2003,88:4-27.
2Newton P., Driver R., Osborne J.. The place of argumentation in the pedagogy of school science. International Journal of Science Education,1999,21(5):553-576.
3Duschl R., Ellenbogan K., Erduran S.. Promoting argumenta- tion in middle school science classrooms: A Project SEPIA e- valuation. A paper presented at the 1999 Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Boston.
4Cavagnetto A. R.. Argument to foster scientific literacy: A re- view of argument interventions in K-12 science contexts. Re- view of Educational Research,2010,80(3):336-371.
5Sampson V., Grooms J.. Science as Argument-Driven Inquiry: The impact on students' conceptions of NOS. Paper presented at the 2008 Annual International Conference of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST). Balt- imore, MD.
6Sampson V., Gleim L.. Argument-Driven Inquiry to promote the understanding of important concepts &practices in biology. The American biology teacher, 2009, 71(8): 465-472.
7Sampson V., Grooms J., Enderle P.. New instruments that can be used by researchers to assess three different aspects of sc- ience proficiency. Paper presented at the 2011 Fall Conferen- ce for the Society for Research on Educational Effective- (SREE). Washington, DC.
8Enderle P., Grooms J., Sampson V.. The importance of using multiple measures to assess science proficiency. Paper presen- ted at the 2011 Annual Conference of the Association of Sci- ence Teacher Educators (ASTE). Clearwater, FL.
9Liang L., Chen X., Chen S. et al. Student Understanding of Science and Scientific Inquiry (SUSSI): Revision and Further Validation of an Assessment Instrument. Paper presented at the 2006 AnnualConference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), San Francisco, CA.
10Enderle P., Walker J., Dorgan C. et al. Assessment of Scie- ntific Argumentation in the Classroom: An Observation Proto- col. Paper presented at the 2010 International Conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST).
2何嘉媛,刘恩山.论证探究式教学模型及其在理科教学中的应用[J].生物学通报,2012,47(10):27-31. 被引量:28
3陈进.对义务教育生物课程标准中“评价建议”的解读[J].生物学教学,2013,38(7):14-15. 被引量:1
6何嘉媛,刘恩山.论证探究式教学模型的设计和运用[J].生物学通报,2013,48(10):25-29. 被引量:13
7何嘉媛,王璇,刘恩山.基于论证探究式教学模型的行动研究[J].生物学通报,2013,48(11):21-27. 被引量:23
8李学斌.光合作用重要概念的教学例谈[J].生物学教学,2013,38(12):45-47. 被引量:3
10林静,张锋.实验课堂的“论证”策略在培养学生科学素养中的运用[J].中学生物学,2014,30(9):5-7. 被引量:1
1楚江亭.科学知识观与教师创新能力养成——社会建构论视野中的科学知识性质解析及启示[J].教师教育研究,2006,18(6):53-57. 被引量:7
2马述忠.欧盟对转基因产品的管理措施[J].世界农业,2004(11):45-47. 被引量:6
3Newton P., Driver R., Osborne J.. The place of argumentation in the pedagogy of school science. International Journal of Sc- ience Education. 1999,21 (5):553-576.
5Kuhn D.. Science as argument: implication for teaching and learning scientific thinking. Science Education. 1993, 77(3): 319-337.
6Hofer B. K., Pintrich P. R.. The development of epistemolog- ical theories: Beliefs about knowledge and knowing and their relation to learning. Review of Educational Research, 1997,67 (1):88- 140.
8Mason L., Scirica F., Prediction of students' argumentation skills about controversial topics by epistemological understand- ing. Learning and Instruction,2006,16(5):492-509.
9Zeilder D. L., Walker K. A., Ackett W. A. et al. Tangled up in views:Beliefs in the nature of science and response to soc- ioscientific dilemmas.Science Education,2002,86(3):343-367.
10Conley A. M., Printrich P. P., Vekiri I. et al. Changes in epistemological beliefs in elementary science students. Conte- mporary Educational Psychology,2004,29(2):186-204.
1吴举宏.生物学教学中社会性科学议题与非形式推理能力的培养[J].生物学教学,2012,37(10):9-11. 被引量:3
2刘忠新.浅谈平面几何教学中逻辑推理能力的培养[J].科教文汇,2007(09Z):69-69. 被引量:1
4陈欣.促进生物学重要概念学习的论证教学[J].生物学教学,2016,41(12):25-26. 被引量:5
6陈玙,苏咏梅.通过SSI教学提升学生的生物学伦理水平[J].生物学教学,2014,39(1):9-11. 被引量:3