
冰浆性能分析及其在食品冷冻冷藏中的应用 被引量:10

The Analysis of Ice Slurry Performance and Its Application in Food Frozen Storage
摘要 为加深对冰浆的认识,介绍了冰浆的制取方式,重点分析了冰浆储存与融化特性。着重论述了冰浆在食品冷冻冷藏中的应用。表明冰浆在流动性与传热性能等方面具有独特的技术优势以及在食品冷冻冷藏中广泛的发展前景。 To deepen the understanding of ice slurry, the production way of dynamic ice slurry was introduced. Mainly analyze the characteristics of ice slurry in storage and melting, and mainly discussed ice slurry application in food frozen storage. The results showed that the ice slurry had a unique advantage in liquidity, heat transfer performance and broad prospects for development in food frozen storage.
出处 《食品工业》 北大核心 2013年第5期152-156,共5页 The Food Industry
关键词 冰浆 储存与融化 食品冷冻冷藏 ice slurry storage and melting food frozen storage
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