
动力锂电池阶梯电流充电方法研究 被引量:7

Study of a step-current charging method for power lithium-ion batteries
摘要 基于恒流-恒压(CC-CV)充电模式,研究了动力锂离子电池充电的边界特性。采用极化电压、充电时间、充电容量作为电池充电性能的量化评价指标,提出了基于电池充电边界曲线的阶梯电流充电方法,对比分析了恒流阶段阶梯电流充电模式和恒压阶段阶梯电流充电模式的充电性能。结果表明,与CC-CV充电法相比,采用阶梯充电方法,其充电时间缩短了28.83%,充电容量提高了3.32%,充电极化电压降低了34.65%。 The charging boundary characteristics of power lithium-ion batteries were investigated based on the tranditional constant current-constrant voltage (CC-CV) charging pattern. By charging taking the parameters of polarization voltage, time and charging capactity as the indexes for quantitative assessment of the batteries' charging performance, a charging boundary curve based step-current charging method was proposed, and the charging performance of the step-current charging at the constant current stage and that of the step-current charging at the constant voltage stage were comparatively analyzed. The experimental charging time by 28.83%, increased the charging results showed that the obtained charging pattern decreased capacity by 3.32%, and reduced the polarization voltage by 34.65% compared to the CC-CV charging mode.
出处 《高技术通讯》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期430-435,共6页 Chinese High Technology Letters
基金 国家自然科学基金(51277010)资助项目
关键词 动力锂电池 倍率充电 边界特性 阶梯电流充电模式 lithium-ion battery, rate charging, boundary characteristics, step-current charging pattern
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