
概念的经济价值、特征及其形成 被引量:2

Definition,Characteristics and Its Formation of Economic Value of Concept
摘要 在广义虚拟经济时代,概念是产品的重要组成部分,它创造需求,创生价值。本文定义了概念的经济价值,认为概念的经济价值是消费者对概念认知的总和,并且能反映在企业的财务报表之中;分析了概念经济价值特征,说明只有满足消费者现实或者潜在需求的概念才能创造价值,而且这种价值是一种虚拟价值;把概念的经济价值形成概括为概念形成、传播、接受,并最终形成支付意愿的过程;并分析了概念经济价值对企业经营和宏观经济运行的启示。 In the Generalized Virtual Economy era, the concept is an important part of the product which creates demand and creates values. This paper defines Economic Value of Concept (EVC), which is the total cognition of the consumers to the concept and can be reflected in the financial statements of the enterprise. Characteristics of EVC is analyzed that only concept which can meet consumers' actual or potential demand can create value which is a virtual value. And the formation of EVC is summarized as a process including concept formation, dissemination, acceptance, and ultimately the formation of the willingness to pay. And the revelation of EVC is given.
出处 《广义虚拟经济研究》 2013年第1期19-23,共5页 Research on the Generalized Virtual Economy
基金 广义虚拟经济研究专项资助项目[项目编号:GX2012-1017(M)] 教育部人文社科青年基金项目[项目编号:12YJC630276] 南航引进人才基金项目[项目编号:YAH12005]
关键词 概念 经济价值 刺激 反应 concept, economic value, stimulation, reaction
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