
汉语动力型情态动词的早期获得 被引量:1

A Case Study of Early Acquisition of Chinese Dynamic Modal Verbs
摘要 本文通过调查一个儿童芊芊从1岁4个月到3岁3个月自然语言产出的语料,研究汉语动力型情态动词的早期习得过程及其背后的机制。研究结果显示:(1)芊芊从1岁8个月到2岁6个月期间开始习得动力型情态动词,"会"最早习得,"敢"、"能"、"要"、"可以"和"肯"随后习得,情态动词的习得顺序与其使用频率之间存在部分相关性;(2)芊芊最早习得动力型情态"能力"意义,然后逐渐习得了"勇气"、"意愿"等意义,但却没有习得"善于做某事"和"有把握做某种判断"的意义,此外,早习得的情态意义的使用频率也比较高;(3)情态句的句型呈现逐渐多样化的发展趋势,句法结构呈现逐渐复杂化的发展趋势;(4)影响动力型情态动词早期习得的因素,除了动力型情态动词自身的特征外,还与看护者的语言输入特征以及儿童心理理论水平有关。 The present study investigates the emergence and early development of Chinese dynamic modal verbs of a single child from 1; 4 to 3; 3 and tries to probe into the underlying factors constraining early modal acquisition. The major findings are as follows: First, Chinese dynamic modal verbs emerged gradually between 1; 8 - 2; 6. The first modal form acquired was hut 'know how to' , followed by gan 'dare' ,neng 'can' , yao 'want' , keyi 'able to, may' and k^n 'willing' . The order of acquisition of modal forms is partially consistent with the frequency of those modal forms. Second, the first type of modal meaning acquired was 'ability' , followed by 'courage' and 'intention', whereas some modal meanings were not acquired at the end of the investigation, such as 'good at doing something' and 'be able to make certain judgment'. Besides, early acquired modal meanings tend to be used more frequently by the child. Third, the sentence types of modal utterances developed from simple declaratives to different types of sentences, and the structure of modal utterances developed from modal verbs to complex constructions. Fourth, the developmental patterns of Chinese modals are constrained by the characteristics of Chinese dynamic modals, caregivers' input and the child's development of mind.
作者 杨贝 董燕萍
出处 《华文教学与研究》 CSSCI 2013年第1期1-9,共9页 TCSOL Studies
关键词 汉语动力型情态动词 早期习得 个案研究 Chinese dynamic modal verbs early acquisition case study
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