
基线长度约束下的北斗单频单历元定姿算法 被引量:4

CNSS Attitude Determination Algorithm For Single Frequency And Single Epoch With Baseline Length Constraint
摘要 针对基线长度已知的北斗二代卫星导航系统的单频单历元定姿情况,推导出一种基线长度信息的线性表达式,从而将其融入双差载波相位观测方程,并在理论上证明了以上方法提高了整周模糊度浮点解精度,而且降低了模糊度之间相关性;同时提出一种新的利用基线长度降低整周模糊度维数的改进LAMBDA搜索算法,大大降低低维情况的计算量;其次,将基线长度作为模糊度解算结果的判决标准,有效提高了定向成功率;最后,通过实验对以上新方法进行了定量的分析,在选择基线长度为3m的情况下,测量结果表明上述改进算法使模糊度解算成功率提高了40%左右。 In the Compass Navigation Satellites System single frequency and single epoch orientation problem with known baseline length, a linear expression of baseline information is put forward, and been added into the double difference carrier phase observation equa-tions. After that, give the demonstration that the precision of float solutions of the integer ambiguities is improved by the above method, while the relation between the ambiguities is declined. Meantime, an advanced LAMBDA algorithm that uses the baseline length to decrease the dimension of the ambiguities is put forward, which significantly reduces the amount of calculation. Also, by using the baseline length as one of the judgment rules, the correct rate is remarkably improved. In the end, make the quantitative analysis of the new method through ex-periments, in the case of 3 meter baseline length, the results indicate that the success ratio of ambiguities solutions has been improved about 40% by the modified algorithm.
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 北大核心 2013年第4期1060-1062,共3页 Computer Measurement &Control
基金 河北科技大学博士科研启动基金支持项目(001032)
关键词 基线长度约束 LAMBDA 定向 降维 北斗导航卫星系统 baseline length constraint LAMBDA orientation dimension decreased CNSS
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