
凝血实验检测的影响因素探讨 被引量:1

Influencing factors of blood coagulation test
摘要 目的:探讨标本采集量、离心前放置时间和温度对凝血四项检测结果的影响。方法:实验组A 30例以非标准抗凝比例与另60例1∶9比例采集比较,其中30例标本行凝血指标的即刻测定、室温(20℃~25℃)、-4℃和-20℃下保存24 h后测定;30例标本作为实验组B于室温放置2 h后测定。以方差分析比较各组间差异。结果:标本采血量不标准可使凝血指标结果明显增加。室温下放置2 h再分离血浆及室温下放置24 h均使PT、APTT、TT显著延长,-20℃下APTT延长(P<0.05)。结论:临床医护人员应按照标准操作规程进行样本的采集、运送、保存及了解各种因素对检测结果的影响以避免临床误诊。 Objective:To investigate the influence on the test results of PT,APTT,TT,FIB causing by different blood volumes,storage time and temperature.Methods: Thirty samples with nonstandard blood volumes were taken as experimental group A for instant plasma separation and repeated test at different storage time.The other 60 samples with the blood volume proportion of 1∶ 9 were equally divided into control group and experimental group B.The control group was carried out instant plasma separation and repeated test at room temperature(20℃~25℃),-4℃ and-20℃ after 24 h storage,while the group B was carried out plasma separation after 2 h storage and tested at room temperature.Then variance analysis was used to find the difference among groups.Results: Compared to control group,nonstandard blood volumes can obviously increase the values of PT,APTT,TT and FIB;PT,APTT and TT were significantly expended when the plasma was separated after 2 h storage at room temperature and stored for 24 h at room temperature after instant plasma separation;only APTT was obviously prolonged at-20℃.Conclusion: Clinical medical staff should follow the standard operation instruction in the sampling,transportation and preservation of the blood samples,furthermore,awareness of the influencing factors is helpful to avoid misdiagnosis.
出处 《中国卫生检验杂志》 北大核心 2013年第4期903-904,共2页 Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
关键词 凝血功能检测 采血量 保存时间 保存温度 Blood coagulation test Blood volume Storage time Storage temperature
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