
参照NCCLS EP9-A2文件探讨实验室可用的试剂性能评估方案 被引量:1

Discussion on available reagent performance evaluation scheme according to NCCLS EP9-A2
摘要 目的参照美国国家临床实验室标准化委员会(NCCLS)EP9-A2文件探讨实验室可用的试剂性能评估方案。方法选取3个不同厂家的高密度脂蛋白胆固醇测定试剂盒,进行性能评估实验并比较分析,观察其精密度、线性、抗干扰能力以及临床比对结果。结果 3个不同厂家试剂盒的批内精密度和线性比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),抗干扰能力选择性清除法最优,三者间临床样本的测定结果相关性差。结论 3个不同厂家的高密度脂蛋白胆固醇测定试剂性能各有优劣,可满足临床基本需求。各实验室可根据自身需求选择不同的方法。 Objective To discuss the available reagent performance evaluation scheme according to NCCLS EP9-A2. Methods The determined reagent of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ( HDLC ) produced by 3 different manufactories were selected for conducting the performance evaluation experiment and comparative analysis. Tile precision, linearity, anti-interference ability and clinical comparison results were observed. Results The intra-batch precision and linearity had no statistical difference among 3 reagent samples produced'by 3 different manufactories. The selective clearance method was best in the ability of anti-interference. The detected results of clinical samples had poor correlation among 3 reagents. Conclusion Each performance among 3 different methods has the advantages and disadvantages, and all of them can meet the clinical basic needs. Each laboratory should choose different methods according to oneself needs.
作者 耿汉科
出处 《现代医药卫生》 2013年第8期1168-1169,共2页 Journal of Modern Medicine & Health
关键词 胆固醇 HDL 实验室技术和方法 评价研究 直接测定法 选择性清除法 选择性抑制法 聚乙二醇酶修饰法 Cholesterol,tlDI, Laboratory techniques and procedures Evaluation studies Direct assay Selective clearance method Selective inhibition method Polyethylene glycol enzyme modification method
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