
南京北郊气溶胶散射特性观测研究 被引量:9

An Observation Study of Aerosol Scattering Properties in Northern Suburbs of Nanjing
摘要 南京北郊是重工业区,空气污染严重。该文利用浊度仪对大气气溶胶散射系数进行了四季观测,研究了该区气溶胶散射系数、后向散射比、质量散射系数及散射系数与能见度的关系,结果表明,观测期间散射系数波动较大,平均值为344.84 Mm-1,标准差为215.99 Mm-1,散射系数季节差异明显,主要受气象条件和外界污染排放的影响;后向散射比平均值为0.139,春季变化剧烈,夏、秋、冬季在波动中缓慢上升,大气中细粒子污染严重且含量有增加的趋势;散射系数与PM2.5质量浓度相关系数达到0.91,质量散射系数平均值为1.87m2/g;散射系数与能见度之间存在-0.66的相关性,两者呈负幂函数关系。 The industrial pollution over northern suburbs of Nanjing is heavy. The aerosol scattering properties was continuously observed by Integrating Nephelometer. In this study we analyzed the aerosol scattering coefficient, baekscatter ratio, mass scattering coefficient and the relationship between scattering coefficient and visibility. The results showed that the averaged scattering coefficient for whole experiment period was 344.84 Mm^-1, with the standard deviation of 215.99 Mm%^-l, The seasonally change is sharp due to the influence of meteorological conditions and emission of pollutant. The average value of backseatter ratio was 0. 139, it changed drastically in spring, and continuing to rise in the other three seasons, and the pollution of fine particles has been trending up. The scattering coefficient had a good correlation with PM2.5 mass concentration(r = 0.91), and the average mass scattering coefficient was 1.87 m2/g. The correlation between aerosol scattering coefficients and visibility was -0.66 described by a negative power function.
出处 《中国环境监测》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期22-28,共7页 Environmental Monitoring in China
基金 国家"973"项目(2009CB426313) 江苏省优势学科建设项目(PAPD) 南京信息工程大学气象灾害省部共建教育部重点实验室开放课题(KLME1107 KLME1206)
关键词 积分浊度仪 散射系数 PM2 5 能见度 integrating nephelometer aerosol scattering coefficient PM2.5 visibility
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