目的 探讨糖尿病酮症酸中毒 (DKA)发生原因及治疗转归。方法 收集 30例DKA的一般资料、临床表现、实验室检查、治疗方法等进行系统分析。结果 发现 95 %以上有明确的诱因 ,其中以感染多见 ,87%入院前有糖尿病史 ,血糖平均 2 2 98mmol/L ,CO2 -CP平均 8 0 8mmol/L。昏迷 11例 ,休克 1例 ,死亡 1例 ,死亡率 3%。结论 早期正确诊断。
Objective:To study the causes and treatment of diabetes ketoacidosis (DKA). Methods: Collecting and analyzing systematically the average materials. Clinical manifestation. experimental examination and treatment methods of 30 Cases of DKA. Results: The research shows that more than 95% of the cases are definite and most of the cases are caused by infections. 87 percent of the patients had diabetes in the past. The average of their blood glucose is 22 98 mmol/L.while the average of C0 2 CP is 8.08 mmol/L. 11 patients once fainted and one patient once suffered from shock.0ne Patient died and the death rate is 3%. Conclusion: The early correct diagnosis and early individualized treatment are the successful keys of emergency treatment DKA.
Journal of Taishan Medical College