为观察地中海贫血患者的红细胞参数、直方图特点以及它们与缺铁性贫血的区别 ,用SysmexF -82 0血液分析仪对测得值进行分析。结果显示 :MCHC、RDW、红细胞体积分布曲线宽度三项指标与缺铁性贫血差异有显著性。认为MCHC增高、RDW显著增高、红细胞体积分布曲线左移、峰底宽于缺铁性贫血 。
In order to study the characteristics of the parameters and histograms of the red blood cells (RBC) from patients with thalassemia and their differences with those from patients of irondeficiency, the measurement data were analyzed by Sysmex F-820 blood analysor. Results showed that there were significant differences between thalassemia and irondeficiency anemia in MCHC, RDW and the width of the spike of volume distribution curve of RBC. It can conclude that if MCHC and RDW increase, the volume distribution curve of RBC moves to the left and the kurtosis widens, all of which may prompt the possibility of thalassemia.
Journal of Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities