目的探讨早中期膝关节骨坏死手术治疗的临床效果。方法本组共25例,男8例,女17例;年龄19~55岁,平均(36.6±12.1)岁。共包括41个膝关节。有症状的31例膝关节接受了手术治疗。其中坏死区髓心减压术治疗15膝,关节镜探查清理5膝,坏死骨刮除打压植骨7例,自体骨软骨移植术治疗4例。术前美国特种外科医院(thehospital special surgery,HSS)评分59~87分,平均(67.2±8.3)分。结果术后平均随访时间3.9年。其中2例经关节镜治疗的膝关节症状无缓解,X线检查显示关节破坏;1例经打压植骨术的膝关节发生软骨下骨塌陷;其余28例疼痛症状均有不同程度缓解。所有膝关节活动范围无减小,HSS评分71~100分,平均(87.8±12.1)分。结论对于早中期继发性膝关节骨坏死,选择合适的手术治疗,可以得到较满意的疗效。
Objective To explore the clinical effect of surgery treatment on the early and middle phrase os- teonecrosis of knee. Methods There are 25 cases ,including 8 male and 17 female. The age ranged from 19 to 55 years (mean 36.6d: 12.1 years). 41 knee joints were included, 31 knees with symptoms underwent operation treatment. 15 knees treated with core decompression surgery. 5 knees cleaned under arthroscopy, 7 cases treated with the necrotic bone cleaning and impact bone grafting,and 4 cases were treated with autologous osteochondral transplantation. Re- sults The patients were followed up for 3.9 years. There were two cases without symptom improvement after de- bridement under arthroscopy. X-ray examination revealed the joint destructed. The subchondral bone collapse in 1 cas- es treated with impact bone grafting. The pain symptoms improved in the remaining 28 cases There were no knee range of motion reduction in all cases,HSS score improved from(67.2± 8.3)to(87.8 ±12. 1). Conclusion The os- teonecrosis of the knee with early and middle phase can get satisfactory effect with appropriate surgery treatment.
Journal of Practical Orthopaedics
bone necrosis
core decompression
impact bone grafting