
预防性维修工作组合优化 被引量:4

Study on Optimal Maintenance Level Based on Preventive Group Maintenance Police
摘要 针对单部件的维修间隔期无法反映系统的维修最佳间隔期这一问题,对装备各部件在各修理级别上的预防性维修任务组合情况进行探索。通过建立费用模型、可用度和风险模型作为决策模型,用以组合某一修理级别各部件的维修工作,得出系统预防性维修间隔期,并结合部队实际优化从系统的角度优化等级维修中的维修工作间隔期,为确定大中小修工作提供科学、合理的理论指导。该算法在区分各修理级别的维修能力的基础上,能较好地对各修理级别的维修工作组合情况进行了优化,实例验证了模型的实用性和有效性。 Considering single components' maintenance period cannot replace the system's optimal period,preventive maintenance based on different ability of the maintenance level has been studied. From system optimal view, the cost model,availability model and hazard model are set up to group the components of the system maintenance level and period considering with the realistic of the army. The result can offer scientific and reasonable theory guidance for level-decision. This arithmetic can optimize the group maintenance taking the different ability of different maintenance level into account. At last, an examole is demonstrated to prove the. modal is practical and efficient.
机构地区 军械工程学院
出处 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期39-43,共5页 Fire Control & Command Control
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70970035)
关键词 维修等级 优化组合策略 维修间隔期 maintenance level Optimal group decision maintenance period
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