研究了2-18F-2-脱氧-β-D-葡萄糖(18F-FDG)的高产率自动化合成工艺;并采用了紫外分光光度法测定了18F-FDG注射液中氨基聚醚(Kryptofix2.2.2,K222)的含量。18F-FDG的总合成时间约25 min,未经校正的放化产率约为55%,放化纯度大于99%;K222浓度在1.00~24.00μg/mL范围内,吸光度(A)对K222浓度(C)呈良好的线性关系,紫外分光光度法测K222含量平均回收率为100.9%,灵敏度较高。18F-FDG中,K222含量在17.5~20.8μg/mL之间。
Automated synthesis of 18F - FDG is performed by one - pot reaction procedures at Traeerlab FXF - N system. A ultraviolet spectrophotomet method was used to quantify trace Kryptofix2.2.2 in radiopharmaceutical of 18F - FDG.. The results showed that 18F - FDG was performed with the uncorrected radiochemical yield about 55% and radiochemical purity above 99% within the total synthesis time about 25 min ;The calibration cure was established over the rang of 1.00 - 24.00μg/mL. the linear correlation coefficient was 0.9995. and the averaged recovery was 100. 9%. The quantification of trace Kryptofix2.2.2 in 18F - FDG was in the range of 17.5 -20.8 μg/mL
Chemical Industry Times