
京津冀区域一体化格局下河北省沿海经济带发展研究 被引量:5

Development of Hebei Coastal Economic Belt in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Regional Integration
摘要 河北沿海发展上升成为国家战略不仅关系到河北全省的发展,还关系到京津冀区域一体化发展格局的实现。以河北沿海经济带的发展现状为基础,从城镇群的发展、产业分工与对接、港口群的发展三个方面探讨了河北沿海经济带和京津之间协调发展的问题,并提出了形成京津冀区域一体化发展新格局的对策建议。 The development of Hebei coastal economic belt has become the national policy. The coastal economic belt in Hebei will fully integrate into Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, thus boosting the development of all the parties concerned. The article analyses the harmonious integration between Hebei coastal economic belt and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region through the perspectives of urban group development, industrial division and cooperation, and port group development. Finally the article puts forward some suggestions to form the new pattern of Beijing-Tianjin- Hebei regional integration.
出处 《河北工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第1期20-25,共6页 Journal of Hebei University of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(10BJY023) 天津市教委社会科学重大项目(2011ZD038) 河北省软科学研究项目(12457206D-21)
关键词 沿海经济带 区域一体化 分工与合作 新格局 coastal economic belt region integration division and cooperation new structure
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