目的了解2012年恩施州手足口病的病原体型别及分布特征,为今后制定预防及控制防治策略提供依据。方法采用实时荧光PCR法进行肠道病毒EV71型和CA16型的核酸检测。结果 574例标本中,EV71、CA16、其他肠道病毒的阳性率分别为35.27%、33.09%、31.64%;疱疹液中肠道病毒检出率最高(86.67%),其次为肛拭子(82.98%);发病年龄主要集中在4岁以下儿童,肠道病毒检出率72.22%;男女性别之间差别无统计学意义;发病季节呈现2个高峰,第一个高峰为4~6月,第二个高峰为10~11月。结论 2012年引起恩施州手足口病流行的主要病原体为EV71和CA16,同时还有其他肠道病毒流行;4岁以下儿童为手足口病高危人群;好发于夏秋季;疱疹液是手足口病的敏感标本,肛拭子次之。
Objective To know the type of pathogens and the distribution of hand foot and mouth disease in Enshi autonomous prefecture in 2012.And to provide the basis for setting prevention and control strategies in the future. Methods Using the method of real-time fluorescence PCR (real-time PCR) to detecte the nucleic acid of enterovirus type EV71 and type CA16. Results In 574 cases of specimens,the positive rate of EV71 was 35.27%,and CA16 33.09%,and other intestinal virus 31.64%.The checking out rate of intestinal virus in specimen of herpes fluid was supreme 86.67%,and specimen of anal swab was second 82.98%.The main age of onset was under four, in which the checking out rate of intestinal virus was 72.22%.There was no statistical significance of differences between men and women.And there were two peaks in onset season, the first peak is from April to June and second peak October and November. Conclusion The main epidemic pathogens of hand foot and mouth disease were EV71 and CA16 in 2012 in Enshi autonomous prefecture,also other intestinal virus. Children under 4 years old were high risk populations. The prone seasons were summer and autumn.And the herpes fluid was sensitive spec!men in hand foot and mouth disease,followed by anal swab.
China Medicine And Pharmacy