FPGA嵌入式设计中,常通过软件编程的方式来访问或者控制某些外围设备。电路设计软件Altium Designer的软件平台构建器(SPB)是一个包含了用于创建复杂软件系统所需的所有驱动和服务程序的软件构架。SPB中的软件IP模块可以屏蔽底层细节,为FPGA嵌入式设计的快速开发提供便利,提高研发效率。介紹了基于SPB的FPGA嵌入式设计关键技术,并在智能开发平台NanoBoard 3000上实现了基于SPB的嵌入式音频处理系统设计。
In the design of embedded FPGA system, the peripheral devices can be accessed and controlled by the means of software programming. The software platform builder (SPB) of Altium Designer is a kind of software architecture which includes all the driver programs and service programs to build complex software system. It's IP modules can shield the underlying details and facilitate the rapid development of the embedded FPGA design. In the paper, the key technology of the embedded FPGA de- sign based on SPB is introduced. The design of an embedded audio processing system was implemented in the intelligent deve- lopment platform NanoBoard 3000.
Modern Electronics Technique