
中国四省肉鸡生产加工环节沙门菌的污染及耐药谱分布状况 被引量:25

Prevalence and antibiogram distribution of Salmonella isolated from broiler production and processing course in four provinces, China
摘要 目的调查中国肉鸡养殖和屠宰加工环节沙门菌的污染及抗生素耐药谱分布状况。方法2010年在河南、江苏、四川和山东省选择5家规模化养殖场和14家屠宰加工厂,分别采用肛拭法和整禽漂洗法检测835份肉鸡活体和744份肉鸡胴体中的沙门菌,比较不同样品沙门菌污染率的差异。根据Kauffmann—White表对沙门菌菌株进行血清学鉴定,应用微量肉汤稀释法检测菌株对16种抗生素的耐药分布情况。结果835份肉鸡活体肛拭样品中有56份检出沙门菌,阳性率为6.7%;744份肉鸡胴体样品中有122份检出沙门菌,阳性率为16.4%,肉鸡胴体沙门菌的检出率高于肉鸡活体(×。=36.94,P〈0.05)。肉鸡活体中沙门菌的优势血清型为印第安纳沙门菌和肠炎沙门菌,分别占58.9%(33/56)和32.1%(18/56);肉鸡胴体中沙门菌的优势血清型与肉鸡活体相同,印第安纳沙门菌和肠炎沙门菌分别占29.8%(37/124)和32.2%(40/124)。180株沙门菌分离株耐药率高达95。0%(171/180),多重耐药菌株达78.3%(141/180),有20株菌耐14种抗生素,占11.1%。结论中国肉鸡生产和加工环节沙门菌污染严重,且屠宰加工环节肉鸡胴体沙门菌的污染率高于生产环节肉鸡活体的污染率:肉鸡中沙门菌耐药形势严峻。 [ Abstract] Objective To determine the contamination condition of Salmonella in broiler breeding and slaughter processing in China and to investigate the distribution of antimicrobial resistance profiles. Methods Five large-scale broiler holdings and fourteen slaughterhouses were chosen to detect Salmonella in Henan,Jiangsu,Sichuan and Shandong provinces in 2010. A total of 835 anal swabs and 744 chicken carcasses were sampled to compare the difference of Salmonella contamination rate. Salmonella isolates were identified by serotyping according to Kauffmann-White scheme. The antimicrobial susceptibilities of Salmonella isolates were determined by broth microdilution method and sixteen antimicrobial agents were chosen and examined. Results In total, Salmonella isolates were recovered in 56 (6. 7% ) specimens among 835 collected anal swabs and 122 ( 16.4% ) specimens among 744 broiler carcasses. Positive rate of Salmonella in broiler carcasses was higher than anal swabs ( X2 = 36. 94, P 〈 0.05 ). The dominant Salmonella serovars isolated from broiler anal swabs were S. enterica serovar Indiana and S. enterica serovar Enteritidis, accounting for 58.9% (33/56) and 32. 1% (18/56) respectively. The prevalent serovars in broiler carcasses were also the two serovars and occupied 29.8% (37/124) ,32. 2% (40/124) respectively. Nearly 95.0% (171/180) Salmonella isolates were resistant to at least one antimierobial,78.3% (141/180) Salmonella strains were multi-drug resistant isolates and 20 (11.1%) Salmonella isolates were resistant to 14 antimicrobials. Conclusion Our findings indicated that Salmonella contamination was common and serious in commercial broiler production and processing course in China. Salmonella contamination rate in broiler slaughter processing performance was higher than broiler flocks. Additionally, antibiotic resistance of Salmonella was in serious situation.
出处 《中华预防医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期435-438,共4页 Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金(30872123/H2604)
关键词 沙门菌属 抗药性 细菌 血清学 Salmonella Drug resistance, bacterial Serology
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