

Analysis on the genetic parameters of quantity traits in rice F_2 populations generated from hybrids at different altitudes
摘要 以具有籼稻细胞质背景的改良品系南34和云南海拔2 650 m高寒稻区种植的地方粳稻老品种小白谷分别作母本和父本,分析比较了在400、1 200、1 860、2 200 m等4个不同海拔下产生的杂交F2群体在同一地点种植其形态性状的遗传参数。结果表明:播始历期、株高和剑叶宽等性状均随产生F2群体海拔的升高而增加,而剑叶长、有效穗数、穗长、穗节长、总粒数和小穗育性等性状均随产生F2群体海拔的升高而降低。此外,在不同海拔产生的F2群体中不同性状的变异系数、遗传率、遗传进度和偏度系数等遗传参数的表现也存在极为明显的差异。基于形态性状计算的遗传距离分析结果表明,在不同海拔产生的4个F2群体发生了明显的遗传分化,海拔对形态性状的表现具有非常明显的效应。 The genetic parameters of morphological characters were analyzed in F2 populations planted at same location, which populations generated at four different altitudes of 400, 1 200, 1 860 and 2 200 m. The material female parent is Nan34, an improved line that cytoplasm donated by indica rice, and male parent is Xiaobaign, a japonica rice landrace grown at Yunnan alpine region at 2650 m. The results showed that the average values of heading days, plant height, and flag-leaf width are increasing with the rising F2-generated altitude, however, the average values of flag-leaf length, effective panicles, panicle length, panicle node length, total grains per panicle, and spikelet fertility are decreasing with the rising F2-generated altitude. In addition, the variation coefficient, broad heritability, genetic advance and genetic skewness of the morphological traits in F2 populations are significantly different with F2-generated altitudes. The genetic distances based on morphological characters showed that the four F2 populations generated from hybrids at different altitudes had obviously genetic differentiation. The results indicate that the F2-generated altitude variation had strong effects on morphological traits.
出处 《广东农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1-4,共4页 Guangdong Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金(30860065)
关键词 海拔 形态性状 遗传变异 altitude morphological characters genetic variation
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