
Role of architectural space in blast-resistant buildings

Role of architectural space in blast-resistant buildings
摘要 The design of all spatial scares in a manufactured environment is part of the architectural skills and knowtedge. Therefore, an architectural design should be drafted to reduce the vulnerability of humans and buildings against unexpected events, such as terrorist attacks and bombardments. Human casualties and equipment destruction inside the buitdings coutd be prevented by designing a suitabte architectural space. This study addresses the absence of a codified and detaited criterion to evatuate architecturat spaces and their design. Hence, art proposed indices for architectural spaces have been extracted using the ideas of experts in the field of architecture and exptosives. Questionnaires were presented to 25 experts to weigh the effective indices using the anatytic hierarchy process method. The human-oriented (ergonomic) characteristics of the buitding space is found to be the most important factor in facilitating crisis management, followed by the Location of criticat spaces. The design of all spatial scares in a manufactured environment is part of the architectural skills and knowtedge. Therefore, an architectural design should be drafted to reduce the vulnerability of humans and buildings against unexpected events, such as terrorist attacks and bombardments. Human casualties and equipment destruction inside the buitdings coutd be prevented by designing a suitabte architectural space. This study addresses the absence of a codified and detaited criterion to evatuate architecturat spaces and their design. Hence, art proposed indices for architectural spaces have been extracted using the ideas of experts in the field of architecture and exptosives. Questionnaires were presented to 25 experts to weigh the effective indices using the anatytic hierarchy process method. The human-oriented (ergonomic) characteristics of the buitding space is found to be the most important factor in facilitating crisis management, followed by the Location of criticat spaces.
出处 《Frontiers of Architectural Research》 CSCD 2013年第1期67-73,共7页 建筑学研究前沿(英文版)
关键词 Architectural space BUILDING Explosion INDEX Architectural space Building Explosion Index
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