
螺栓联接梁结构结合部非线性特性参数辨识 被引量:7

Nonlinear joint parameter identification for bolted beam structure
摘要 以螺栓联接组合梁为例,系统地研究了辨识结合部非线性特性参数的方法。在分析结合部非线性模型以及对非线性结合部动力学特性表征测试的基础上,提出采用简化的Iwan模型模拟结合面之间的非线性动力学现象,从而建立了螺栓联接组合梁非线性解析模型。进一步,提出采用力状态映射法(Force-state mapping)识别螺栓组合梁结合部动力学特性参数的方法及相应的测试流程。最后,进行了实例研究,应用所提出的方法,辨识出了所研究的螺栓组合梁结合部的刚度及阻尼特性参数。该研究可作为辨识其他螺栓联接结合部动力学特性参数的参考。 Between two contact surfaces of bolt connection, there exist the friction, slip and slap for the interfacial gaps. So the dynamical behavior of the bolted built-up structure usually shows the nonlinear characteristics. Estimating the non-linear dy- namical characteristic parameters of bolt joint is very important to create the complex dynamics model considered the joint char- acteristics. In the paper, the bolted beam structure is taken as an example and the method for identifying nonlinear characteris- tic parameters for bolt joint is sytematically studied. On the basis of analyzing the non-linear model of bolt joint and measuring its characteristics the simplified Iwan model is adopted to simulate the joint characteristics and the analytical model of bolt build-up structure is set up. Furthermore, the force-state mapping method is chosen to identify the bolt joint parameters and the corresponding test procedures are presented too. At last as a practical study case the non-linear stiffness and damping pa- rameters of bolt joint are identified by the proposed method which can be used as the reference for identifying the non-linear joint parameters of the other bolt build-up structures.
出处 《振动工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期185-191,共7页 Journal of Vibration Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50905029)
关键词 参数辨识 非线性 结合部 螺栓联接梁 力状态映射法 parameter identification nonlinear joint bolted built-up beam force-state mapping
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