
黄褐斑的分型研究进展 被引量:3

Update on the classification of melasma
摘要 黄褐斑是临床常见的一种获得性色素增加性疾病,常对称发生于面部曝光部位,不仅影响患者的外观,而且给患者带来了诸多生活及精神方面的痛苦。黄褐斑的治疗疗效欠佳,其确切病因及发病机制尚不清楚,目前认为,主要与激素及日光照射有关。近年来,国内外对黄褐斑的分型存在很多争议,且临床上尚未形成统一的标准,通过对近几年发表的有关黄褐斑分型的文章加以分析、归纳,对其中存在的一些问题进行探讨,希望能够对黄褐斑的治疗提供帮助。 Melasma, a common acquired hyperpigmented disease, usually occurs symmetrically on sun- exposed areas of the face. It not only affects the appearance of patients, but also reduces the quality of life with mental suffering. Melasma is often difficult to treat. Its etiology and pathogenesis remain unclear, and is considered to be mainly associated with sun exposure and hormone levels. In recent years, many controversies have persisted regarding the histological classification of melasma at home and abroad, and no uniform standard has been established. Here, the authors review recently published papers on the classification of melasma, and discuss current problems in hope to facilitate the treatment of melasma.
作者 王蕾 许爱娥
出处 《国际皮肤性病学杂志》 2013年第3期176-178,共3页 International Journal of Dermatology and Venereology
关键词 黄褐斑 分型 Chloasma Classification
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